
Heiko Sp. z o.o.

ul. Żeromskiego 86, 
26-610 Radom

Tel. +48 22 100 21 50
M: +48 601 140 904

Adres rejestracyjny spółki:

ul. Mińska 25,
03-808 Warszawa
tel. +48 22 100 21 50

Adres korespondencyjny:

TSL Services Sp. z o.o.
ul. Bohomolca 21
01-613 Warszawa

Contact form

Select the appropriate submission category:
Offers and requests for cargo quotes.
* Fields marked with an asterisk are obligatory
Carriers – cooperation and providing notifications about cars.
What type of fleet do you have?
* Fields marked with an asterisk are obligatory
In order to send invoices and documents for transport carried out, please follow the instructions below.
Download instructions for sending documents
Enquire about the payment terms for the service provided.
* Fields marked with an asterisk are obligatory
Other enquiries. Please indicate in the subject line of your message which case your enquiry relates to.
* Fields marked with an asterisk are obligatory